But usually by clicking on the download button above you will be connected to another page and from there you will see a button that will reload very easily in 15 seconds and by clicking on that button it will take 15 seconds for you to load the application and it will be correct in our play store. And the application is very easy to use but once downloaded I am going to explain you below the steps to be followed read fully to understand
How To Use:-
Friends, first of all this is an amazing application, but click on the link from above, after clicking on it This story has any application, it is very safe by having play store, we can use it very easily, and we use it in many ways.
- There it will ask you if you have some permissions.
- By giving these permissions, we can see in the application how many applications you have made.
- It is mandatory to give this permission to us if you have made any application.
Ai Art Wallpapers
- If you look later in this amazing application we have here above if you look at the home page and exclusive Ai Art which means we also have artificial intelligent art also called Locks Videos which are also very amazing. If you look later,
More Categories
- here on the home page we have a variety of amazing live wallpapers. This is the live wallpapers that we have got so amazing here we have so many amazing ones if you scroll down and you will see a lot of live wallpapers. Live wallpapers of this look like this I can set if you are easy.
- First of all it will tell you your division and after opening the application it will ask you to click on continue below then very easily it will ask you your age i.e.
- in which AC the people using your mobile phone are in you click on it and click on get start.
- After that, you are here to say Here we have amazingly taken in this amazing application like wallpaper changer and favorite history subscription settings support,
- terms and privacy.
- That is, with this application, we can easily change the wallpaper and favorite the wallpaper you like.
- How many wallpapers have you seen so far? You can favorite as many photos as we have in it.
- Similarly, here we are asked for subscription, there is an option called Settings, through the option called Settings, you can easily apply your photos, i.e.
- live wallpapers, through the settings.