Friends first by clicking on the download button above you will connect to another page where you will see another download by clicking on it you will get 15 seconds reload if the application is installed and once this type of application is installed in play store you can use it very easily I am going to explain below the steps to be followed after downloading the application.
How To Use :-
Friends, first of all, if there is a problem, you have to open it, it will ask you for permissions, and it will ask for permissions. I can make the above application easily and safely. This is a small channel. Permissions will be given. Easy, whenever you give permission in this application and open an application, then you can select the corner of your choice and it will be amazing. If we choose it, we can do it very easily. We can do it in many different ways. We can do it easily. We can paint the color we like. It can be used in many other ways and we have not seen it. It is very amazing for us in this application. It is very easy for us to apply this one feature and play a game. Then we have many types of this car locations also if death happens to us that means if we like the locations we can give it in this and we can change many types in this in the location sign that we like and if we like it we can choose and use it with us so much more we can choose the color of the car that we like and The design of it can all be changed as per our liking