But usually by clicking on the download button above you will be connected to another page and from there you will see a button that will reload very easily in 15 seconds and by clicking on that button it will take 15 seconds for you to load the application and it will be correct in our play store. And the application is very easy to use but once downloaded I am going to explain you below the steps to be followed read fully to understand
How To Use
Friends, after first opening in a wonderful place, very amazingly it opens for us, there they ask you for some permissions, giving a permission is very wonderful for us, but we have to give it to us. After waking up you can adjust your photo from then very easily you can rate it and through this very easily you can wish and when you do such amazing features beauty option in your photo and your photo calculator features will be opened for us. If we both take any photo I took but you can adjust and this is so amazing you chat today but very easy if you have a mobile phone you can take just by uploading your photo in it very easy whenever you want to beautify the photo of your four scheme But if you want to do this, you can type it, that is, if we look at it, and when you add it on a photo, it is very easy to see your beauty score and your beauty.