Friends first by clicking on the download button above you will be connected to another page by going this way it will take you 15 seconds there but another time if you click on it it will reload for 15 seconds and from there you will be connected to this application in Telegram from there the application will be displayed. By clicking on it the application becomes as easy as possible. And how to open this one application will come to you if it is very amazing and how you have opened the application and what to do in full details.
How To Use :-
Friends, if you look at this application, if you open it, you will get some video translation effects, which means that it will be useful for everyone. By opening it like this it will ask you for some permissions. By giving this permission, we feel the need to enter the application, and by giving this permission, the application can be useful if any feature is applied very well. In the same way, if you look at this application, we have been given amazing video effects, that is, we have been given an amazing video effects for everyone to see, not only for the youth, but in this, you can use all these and design your video as colorful as you like.