Hello hi friends how are you friends who are our article I have brought you an amazing application in the article. And the application is very useful for us through GPS and it is very useful for us and another application is very useful for us for locations and match and I am going to explain you the full details of what the application is, read it completely and understand.
Friends are generally many but after a mobile phone came in many different ways but they are useful every day for something, every mobile phone is useful. Now usually if we want to go somewhere we used to look at the route maps and all these things but now with the growth of this technology everyone wants to go to any place. No matter what time you want to go, it is very easy to go using this mobile phone, but a map location that is so easy is available, so let’s look here and look here. Locations are easy to get from anywhere to any place. After this application, Chalisa can change the location. It is very useful for us. Our Android David location can be easily changed. It is very private for us. But what a wonderful application that is brought to you today sister application immediately a complete detail I am going to explain to you completely under the details read fully understand
Download Now :-
App Link
But usually by clicking on the download button above you will be connected to another page and from there you will see a button that will reload very easily in 15 seconds and by clicking on that button it will take 15 seconds for you to load the application and it will be correct in our play store. And the application is very easy to use but once downloaded I am going to explain you below the steps to be followed read fully to understand
How To Use:-
Friends first of all you open this amazing application an application open and check your location you have to give permissions that means we have an amazing application just with location and one with maps so we work with bluetooth location and many more amazing permission But you have to give its permission, by giving its permissions we can apply its features very easily. Here after we give permission we show a location here. That means our mobile location is also visible by clicking on it we can easily show our location on maps.
Easy Change Location On Android
The great application of this after we do it is whenever we open it we will see our mobile david location usually a david location will be shown to us and we will fully know if we are near the particular point we will show here well when we will see an option below As soon as we click on the location option, we have to set the circle with our point to the location of our choice, that is, we are from a place, that location is shown, but we can take any other location and put it there and click on the symbol below the location. Amazingly we have only one option that opens where you install and amazingly by clicking on this amazingly we go to a location that means we apply our feature and change its location at that time our mobile daveage location also changes.
In general, many people can secure their mobile phone through this amazing feature, that is, whoever tracks its location, our address is tracked and hacked. For such people, open it. The feature is an amazing application that many people need to know that everyone must have in their mobile phone because by changing the application we will see an option called search on the side which can be changed and the app will be very useful for us by changing that option.
Conclusion :-
Have you seen this friends? You can also download this amazing application as I said through your mobile phone. It is very easy for you to adjust your mobile phone and if we take it at home, the feature of this is very amazing. Whenever an application has been awarded, a location has been changed, from then on your mobile phone can be securely picked up, and for such wonderful nautical articles, follow our website, and for more interesting topics like this, I will get you many more, and share this with your friends. Also know