How to Check Your Mobile Real or Fake..! (tech more 03)

Hello hi friends how are you friends today our article is that we buy mobile phones very easily in many different ways but how do we know if it is original or fake then in today’s article I am going to tell you and about that you have to download an application and what is it all about it I am going to tell you the details below.

Friends, you usually use many types of applications, but sometimes you buy new mobiles or you don’t have enough money to buy new mobiles, so you use old second hand mobiles. How do we know that and how many people buy a new mobile in any shop, but if you buy a mobile in the shop, they will give you a box and a bill, but if the mobile phone inside is fake, then if the nearest mobile phone is taken, you will think that there is an email on the box. If there is a number, it is very easy for us to buy the mobile thinking it is real, but otherwise we do not check whether the email number is on the box or the bill is on the box and the email number on your mobile is the same and that email number is also the same. Even if you edit it so that you will face this problem anytime with that mobile but we are very easy in many ways but you have to cross verify the mobile but we are very easy and we keep buying the mobile with many hopes that means we keep buying the mobile by accumulating each form but we are very easy in that. In many ways we buy mobile but that mobile is very fake then we feel very confused but how can we check it and how can we know it is original or not through our mobile and I am going to tell us about an amazing application for this and what is it. Seeing

Download Now :-

App Link

By clicking on the download above friends, you can go to another page and from there you can download it very easily and it will reload in another 15 seconds. After seeing it, you can easily award the application. I am going to explain below the steps to be followed after installing the application and the application will be very safe for us

How To Use :-

Friends, if you open the application, it is very easy, if you open it in many ways, it will ask you for permissions, through which the application will open easily, that is, if you are very easy, it will ask for permissions in the application, by giving those permissions, it is very easy to use the mobile in the application. We know a lot, but if you open the application, you will be asked to enter your email number, that is, even if you do not have a mobile phone number, or even if you do not have a bill in your mobile phone, it is very easy to do so. But he will give you a number and if you enter that number, there will be an email number through which you have to copy that number and enter it there. You have to select it, but you have to verify it, but if you verify it, it will be verified, that is, whether the mobile e-mail number is the same or the SIM will be there.

After doing that you will get the result which means you will get the manufacturer which means when and where your mobile was manufactured and in which company it is manufactured and the brand M and it also contains the brand and also the device type if its device type. It will ask you what is your mobile smart phone or today’s device by which you have to give the date and time email number and status and so what is your mobile phone history by which you can see what

Conclusion :-

This application is very useful to tell whether your mobile is real or not in many different ways. Follow and share with your friends

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